Meet Karsten, he has been an Eriksen Chiropractic patient since he was 9 weeks old! Karsten started care because he had torticollis, which made him very fussy and irritable. He also kept his mom and dad awake all night because he would not sleep for longer than 15 minutes! After 1 adjustment Karsten showed a 90% increase in his heads range of motion. After just 4 adjustments, Karsten began sleeping throughout the night, and is now a much happier baby during the day! He is also able to move his head completely and no longer has the flattening of his skull. Karsten is a Chiro kid and enjoys coming in to visit and get his regular maintenance care adjustments, which have kept him healthy and kept his mom and dad very happy!
Do you think your child could benefit from Chiropractic Care? Come see your Eriksen Chiropractor TODAY!